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Source 2a - ‘Absent yet Present’, 1914

Matthew Ferrie responded to the call to arms and joined the12th Battalion Highland Light Infantry. Private Ferrie wrote this letter to his father two months later. He used the occasion to reassure his father that he would receive his estate in the event of his death. Two of his comrades signed and witnessed his letter at the bottom to give it legal authority. Ferrie was killed on 25 September 1915 at the Battle of Loos.


Image of Matthew Ferrie’s letter
NAS: SC70/8/146/32


7th October 1914
Dear Father,
I am in splendid health in the meantime, and I don't know how long it may last. If death comes my way you will become the owner of all my money and the rest of my property.

signed by your loving son,
Matthew Ferrie

Audio reading

Choose from one of the options below to hear a reading of the will. The Flash player option will work on most computers but if you have difficulties you can try the MP3 version.

Once the recording starts playing you read the transcript whilst listening to the audio.

Audio Reading - Flash Version

Audio Reading - MP3 Version

Click here to launch the MP3 version of the will reading (opens in new window).



1. How would you describe Private Ferrie’s mood on going to war? Explain your answer using evidence from the original source.