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Source 3b - Disillusionment, November 1944

This young Scot started his military training in late 1944 with no knowledge as to how much longer the war would last. His letter home gives an insight into his state of mind in being expected to fight for his country.


Unnamed WW2 soldier's letter, image 1 of 2

Unnamed WW2 soldier's letter, image 2 of 2
NAS: SC70/8/1334/379


…in this so called Army you are not human, you are turned into a machine which is supposed to do everything it is told. I have only been in it for about nine weeks and never in my life have I put in such a time as I have lately. They all talk about the easy time we have in the Army but I can assure you one and all that it is no easy life,…











… Just before I joined the Army, my doctor at home Dr Gilmour told me I had a whezzing heart and two or three of the valves in my heart were closed. That didn’t bother the Army as long as you can stand on your feet that is all that worries them.






1. The soldier training for action in WW2 thought he was unfit for war. Study the list of the words below and select those that best describe his state of mind and attitude to war. Compare your list with others in your group.

selfish heartless sad patriotic
angry stoical cowardly loyal
bitter resentful narrow-minded fearful
rational resigned dutiful compassionate
disillusioned selfless cruel brave

2. Different viewpoints
Study this selection of quotations taken from the sources in Unit 1.
Discuss whether you agree or disagree with the views expressed. For each quotation you select, set out your different viewpoints on a separate worksheet (opens in new window). Present a brief feedback session to your class explaining the reasons behind your conclusions.



Source 1b(1)
… might is right

Source 1b(2)
… we can only do the right as we see the right and reverently commit
our cause to God.

Source 2b
I don’t want any grieving over me, for what better way can a man die,
than fighting for the people and the things he loves.

Source 3a
I am fully prepared to fight for all I am worth and trust that I shall
account for a few lives before I get another dose.

Source 3b
…in this so called Army you are not human, you are turned into
a machine which is supposed to do everything it is told.